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Different Forms of Magnesium and How they differently affect the body

You might know that Magnesium is an essential mineral that can uplift various body functions. But did you know that there are more than 11 types of magnesium? That’s right. And all of them instigate different reactions in your body, with their alternate forms involved in more than 300 metabolic reactions. If you’ve ever wondered what the different types of magnesium supplements do to your body and which one is the best form for you to take, you’ve come to the right place for answers. Let’s start digging.

  • Magnesium orotate

Orotic acid is the most commonly talked about constituent in magnesium orotate and for good reason. It reinforces the integrity of blood tissues and energy pathways to improve your cardiovascular health.  

In fact, NIH conducted a study on the effects of Magnesium orotate on patients with advanced congestive heart failure. According to study findings, it was able to not just relieve subjects’ symptoms more effectively but also boost life expectancy for the patients. 

And because it’s highly bioavailable, your body can easily absorb it without issues. What’s more, it has weaker laxative effects compared to the other varieties of magnesium on this list, but it can still be a great solution for constipation if eating more fiber isn’t working out for you. 

  • Magnesium Glycinate

Next up on our list is magnesium glycinate which is derived from glycine, a type of amino acid. While the studies are far from conclusive, there is clinical evidence to suggest that this type of magnesium may help with: 

  • Diabetes 
  • Heart disease 
  • Sleep problems

Due to its very calming properties, many people turn to this type of magnesium to help with anxiety, depression, and stress. However, we must underline that the scientific findings on the efficacy of magnesium glycinate are still a work in progress. 

  • Magnesium sulfate

Do you know what you get when you combine oxygen, sulfur, and magnesium? You guessed it – magnesium sulfate. If you’re struggling with constipation, this supplement may come to your aid. It’s commonly sold as a dissolvable powder- which looks a lot like table salt- under the name Epsom salt. 

Crucially, magnesium sulfate can soothe inflammation in your skin. This is why you may hear your personal training partner recommend adding it to your bath water to help soothe aches and sores after a hard day at the gym. 

While it may be beneficial for your health, it can be dangerous if excessively used. Additionally, it leaves an unpleasant taste in the mouth. 

  • Magnesium L-threonate 

This type of magnesium results from the combination of threonic acid and magnesium(threonate). According to NIH researchers who were testing out the supplement for Parkison’s disease, it turns out that it’s great for improving brain health. 

In particular, the researchers associated magnesium L-threonate with benefits such as helping with:

  • Memory loss
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Depression and other brain disorders 

By strengthening the blood-brain barrier and streamlining nerve signal transmission, one personal trainer San Diego has evidence to substantiate just why this supplement helps with brain health. It does that also by partly reducing excitotoxicity or neuronal cell death.  

  • Magnesium taurate 

According to WHO, more than 422 million people are living with diabetes, which is responsible for at least 1.5 million fatalities each year. Magnesium taurate might just be the key to changing those statistics for the better. 

In 2018, researchers conducted an animal study to try and understand the effects of taurate, which contains taurine and other amino acids. The results were largely positive, with animal subjects experiencing lower levels of blood sugar and blood pressure. 

For this reason, many of the best gyms in San Diego often recommend magnesium taurate, among other supplements, if you’re working out with Diabetes.

  • Magnesium malate

Being a highly bioavailable supplement, it’s a great option if your magnesium levels are running low. It has a sour taste and it’s composed of malic acid, which you can find in common fruits such as: 

  • Grapes 
  • Pears
  • Plums
  • Apricots
  • Blackberries, etc. 

All in all, magnesium malate can help optimize your metabolic functioning. In turn, it can lower feelings of fatigue and tiredness, so it’s a popular supplement that your personal trainer may recommend if you suffer from chronic fatigue. 

  • Magnesium lactate 

If you combine lactic acid with magnesium, you get this type of magnesium. Although your body naturally produces magnesium lactate, it’s also commercially manufactured as a food additive implored to replenish dwindling magnesium levels. 

Besides promoting cellular energy production, it also helps improve muscle contraction. Consequently, it can improve the health of your connective tissues and joints to enhance your general stability. This is also made possible by its ability to support bone resorption and formation, which is why San Diego gyms may recommend it for nurturing fractures and sprains. 

  • Magnesium chloride 

Magnesium chloride emerges from the combination of magnesium and sodium. It has multi-purpose benefits and is available as a topical or ingestible drug. Because it relaxes and soothes sore muscles in addition to enhancing skin hydration, it’s a popular ingredient in skin creams. 

Just like the previous entry on this list, this form of magnesium also energizes your body. Beyond that, it also has the following health benefits: 

  • It can also improve blood circulation 
  • It provides relief from migraines 
  • It supports healthy muscle function

Additionally, further NIH research also suggests that this form of magnesium can also support healthy lactation, pregnancy, and nerve functioning. For all these reasons, even the best personal trainer in San Diego will recommend this supplement to ensure more optimized workout gains. 

Which is the best form of magnesium to take? 

Now you’re a lot wise on the different forms of magnesium and what they all do. However, we’re certain that you’re also keen to know which one stands above them all. Well, according to an experienced personal trainer San Diego, it all depends on your goals, e.g. weight loss, muscle building, and so on. That being said, most research seems to be torn between magnesium malate and magnesium glycinate, largely due to their highly bioavailable form. However, we’ll let you- and your experienced nutritionist – be the judge of that. 

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