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Healthy Habits for Back-to-College Success

As summer comes to an end and a new school year begins, it’s important to focus on establishing healthy habits to ensure your adult student’s success and well-being. At Los Gatos Doc, a primary care physician clinic serving Los Gatos, Campbell & Saratoga, CA, we understand that a healthy start is essential for academic achievement and overall development. Here are some tips to help your students thrive at college this year.

The Importance of Healthy Habits

Developing healthy habits is crucial for students as they start or return to college. These habits not only support their physical health but also enhance their mental and emotional well-being, setting them up for academic success.

1. Balanced Nutrition: A well-balanced diet fuels your student’s body and mind, improving concentration and energy levels throughout the day. Ensure they have a nutritious breakfast, and avoid fast foods and sugary snacks .

  1. Regular Physical Activity: Encourage daily exercise to promote physical health, reduce stress, and improve mood. Activities can include walking, biking, playing sports, or joining a club. Incorporate 30-60 minutes of physical activity most days to reduce stress and maintain fitness.
  2. Manage Stress: Practice relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga. Seek support when needed. Most colleges and universities have counselors who can help students. Reach out to friends, family, or a counselor if you need support.
  3. Adequate Sleep: Establish a consistent sleep schedule to ensure your student gets enough rest. Sleep is crucial for cognitive function, memory, and emotional regulation.
  4. Hydration: Make sure your student drinks plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and alert.

Self-Care Tips for a Healthy Life in College

College can be an incredibly exciting time for young adults – but it comes with potential stressors like financial burdens, social and academic pressures, and homesickness for some. And while you want to encourage independence in your college-bound students, there are things parents and guardians can do to help students ease into a fulfilling year in college. Incorporating these practical tips into their daily routine can make a significant difference in your student’s health and performance. Here’s how you can support them:

  1. Adequate Sleep: Encourage your students to set a consistent sleep schedule.. The National Sleep Foundation recommends at least 7 hours of sleep per night for adults. However, studies have shown that about half of college students get less than seven hours per night.

    While late-night work and socializing may be unavoidable, encourage your students to aim for at least seven hours of sleep most nights to help them with clarity, academic progress and good mental health.

  2.  Routine Check-ups: Remind your students schedule regular check-ups to monitor their health and to stay up-to-date on vaccinations and preventive care.

    Most colleges and universities have a health care center. Make sure your student enrolls themselves at their closest healthcare facility and schedules annual physicals, dental cleanings, and any other recommended preventive care appointments on time.

  3. Good Nutrition: Sign up your students for a meal plan if they are on campus to help them start the day with a nutritious breakfast that includes protein, whole grains, and fruits. This will help maintain energy levels and concentration as they go about their daily activities. Talk to them about prioritizing balanced lunches with a variety of foods, including vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains and avoiding sugary snacks and drinks.

    If your student relies on self-prepared meals, help them plan and prepare healthy meals and snacks ahead of time to avoid last minute unhealthy food choices..

  4. Active Lifestyle: Research shows that physical activity takes a backseat for many college-bound students. There is also evidence that an active lifestyle is positively correlated with academic achievement and improved mental health, which is all the more reason to encourage participation in physical activities, whether through college sports, extracurricular activities, or gym memberships.
  5. Mental Health: In 2021, a study by the American College Health Association found that 46% of college students had a lifetime diagnosis of mental disorders and only 36% reported positive mental health..Keep an open line of communication with your student about their feelings and experiences. Monitor for signs of stress or anxiety and encourage them to seek professional help, such as from a campus health center, if needed.

How Los Gatos Doc Can Help

Dr. V and the team at Los Gatos Doc are dedicated to supporting your family’s health throughout the school year. From routine check-ups and vaccinations to nutritional advice and mental health support, we are here to help you and your family succeed. 

At Los Gatos Doc we are focused on the well-being of our adult patients (18 years of age or older). To schedule an appointment for your student or learn more about our services, call us at 408-502-6040 or visit

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